Horses are very intelligent, smart and very strong which helps them in the wild . They are so smart that they know trails that they rundown and it is hard for people on horseback and predators to catch them . They also are used for a lot of events like barrel racing ,team roping and a lot more. They have to know what they are doing when team roping and because the rider gets off their horse and they can not get spooked. If they get spooked they will run away and they would have to catch the horse . These things show how smart, strong and intelligent they are.
They are used for many sports like jumping barrel racing ,team roping ,and bull riding, Steer wrestling, polo and combined driving . they have to be super obedient to be able to show . They have to be well trained for them to do these things . They have to listen to the trainer and do it correctly. They also can not get spooked easily and they also have to be used to loud sounds because they will buck the rider off if they get spooked. In some sports the horses have to be used to the sound of a gunshot and a lasso flying around their head . this is what they do to train them and what events they are in .
There are so many different types of horses there are appaloosas, tennessee walking ,fox trotter , belgium , shetland pony ,a morgan horse and so many more . These horses are used for so many different things like Belgium is used for working in the fields . Tennessee walking horses are used in Amish towns for pulling wagons. A fox trotter hunters use up to get up in the mountains. Today they use appaloosas for show but they are also used for rounding up cattle .These are some of the horses and what they are still used for today.
These link have enteresting facts about hourses .
- They are very strong
- Very athletic
- very smart
Here is a videos abou amazing horses around the world.
sHorses are very cute, nice, and gental animals. They are nice and fun to hang around. One thing to not to do when around horses is do not move fast or it will spook them and they will get on there hind legs. They will also go crazy and it is hard to control them. If you do not spook them, it is fun to hang out around them. They are also nice to ride in the woods, but if they hear somthing loud they will get spooked and try to run away .
Horses can be very stubborn especially miniture horses. My uncle had a mini and that horse would try to exscape the stall that it was in and it would run and steel things in the barn. He one time got out and went to the street and my uncle had to catch him. He also draged my uncle in the mud because he was trying to put him in the barn and then he decided to try to run off.
Horses are also good for rounding up cattle .Farmes back then used to use them for cattle drives. this is when they are herding the cattle down the mountians and down the road to another field. Horses are also very fast and they are good for cutting of cattle and herding them back to the herd.