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Cat facts for you
Cats are very interesting creatures and people who love them would like to know them better, this website will educate you about cats to get to know them better than you already do! Scroll down for more information.
A cat breed website for you!
Second Cat website
This next website will tell you all about cats and what you need to know!
Click this website for more!
Another cat video for you
This website contains: Facts,breeds, and important things cats need.
- .Five things you need to know before getting a cat.
1. Cats need a lot of space!
2. Cats eat a lot, that's why most cats are chunky..
3.Cats need to be brushed brush to keep them from shedding constantly!!(They love being brushed)
4. Cats don't like being bothered too much.
5. Domestic short-haired cats don't need a lot of baths(twice a year), Long-haired cats need a bath almost every month.
The Pasket is not copyrighted but was created by homo sapiens who would gladly poke your eyes out and sell them on Etsy.