The world of 3D modeling is used for different things in everyday life movies, video games, architecture, and engineering, and you can learn how to do it.
What is This Website?
Links for tutorials of other modeling softwares are listed below:
Cinema 4D3Ds max
Getting started with Blender
Step 1:basic navigation
1.To rotate view around the cube hold down the middle mouse and drag the mouse around.
2.To pan view click shift and middle mouse and move mouse
3.zoom with middle mouse
Step 2: Editing a object
Edit mode lets you change a object and Object mode lets you move or scale a object.
To enter inbewteen edit mode and object mode click tab
Step 4:How to Edit Your Mesh: Extruding and edge loops
Edge loops - To add edge loops click "CTR+R" and slide it where you want it.
Extrude - To extrude press 3 to enter face mode and selct the face you want to extrude then click E.
Step 5:Adding materials
Materials - To add materials click "Shading Workspace" and add a texture by cicking the "+" and you can cahnge the princaple shader to any color you want.
(Good Tutorials)